Online Test Series 35

  1. Question

All of the following statements regarding Corynebacterium diphtheriae are true, except?

1. It can be identified by using tests for toxigenicity
2. The toxin inhibits protein synthesis
3. Native chromosome is responsible for toxin production
4. Toxin has adverse effects on cardiovascular and nervous systems 
  1. Question

False regarding Pneumococcus is?

1. Causes mild form of meningitis
2. Respiratory tract of carriers is the most important source of infection
3. Commonest cause of otitis media
4. Capsule is important in virulence 
  1. Question

All are true regarding Campylobacter jejuni except?

1. Humans act as important reservoirs
2. It is the commonest cause of campylobacteriosis
3. Poultry is a common source of infection
4. It is associated with Guillian Barre syndrome 
  1. Question

False regarding Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aures (MRSA) ?

1. Resistance is due to altered Penicillin Binding Proteins
2. Resistance may be produced by increased production of beta lactamase enzyme
3. Resistance may be missed at incubation temperature of 37°C during susceptibility testing
4. Resistance is primarily plasmid mediated 
  1. Question

Psammoma bodies are not seen in?

1. Meningioma
2. Papillary carcinoma thyroid
3. Follicular carcinoma thyroid
4. Serous cystadenocarcinoma of ovary 
  1. Question

Which chemical is the most commonly used as a fixative for pathological specimens?

1. Picric acid
2. Ethanol
3. Mercuric chloride
4. Formaldehyde 
  1. Question

A patient presented to the OPD with clinical features of pneumonia. Sputum examination of the patient revealed a gram positive cocci with alpha hemolysis on sheep agar. Which test will you do to confirm the diagnosis?

1. Bacitracin sensitivity
2. CAMP test
3. Bile solubility
4. Coagulase test 
  1. Question

Which among the following is not an autoimmune disease?

1. Grave’s disease
2. Systemic lupus erythematosus
3. Myasthenia gravis
4. Sickle cell disease 
  1. Question

Which among the following is not a neuronal tumour?

1. Ganglioglioma
2. Ependymoma
3. Neurocytoma
4. Gangliocytoma 
  1. Question

Necrotizing lymphadenitis is a characteristic feature of?

1. Hodgkin’s disease
2. Kimura disease
3. Kikuchi disease
4. Castleman disease