Online Test Series 37

  1. Question

All of the following are used as proxy measures for incubation period except:

1. Serial interval
2. Latent period
3. Period of communicability
4. Generation time 
  1. Question

Dietary changes advocated by WHO for prevention of heart diseases include all of the following except?

1. Reduction of cholesterol to below l00mg per kcal per day
2. Consumption of saturated fats be limited to less than 10% of total energy intake
3. A decrease in complex carbohydrate consumption
4. Reduction in fat intake to 20-30 percent of caloric intake 
  1. Question

Prolonged treatment with INH leads to deficiency of

1. Thiamine
2. Pantothenic acid
3. Pyridoxine
4. Niacin 
  1. Question

If the systolic blood pressure in a population has a mean of 130 mm Hg and a median of l40 mm Hg, the distribution is said to be?

1. Positively skewed
2. Symmetrical
3. Negatively skewed
4. Either positively or negatively skewed depending on the Standard deviation 
  1. Question

The usefulness of a ‘screening test` in a community depends on its :

1. Reliability
2. Specificity
3. Sensitivity
4. Predictive value 
  1. Question

The following statements are true about DPT vaccine except:

1. Aluminium salt has an adjuvant effect
2. Whole killed bacteria of Bordetella pertussis has an adjuvant effect
3. Presence of H. influenzae type B component increases its immunogenicity
4. Presence of acellular pertussis component increases its immunogenicity 
  1. Question

Which of the following movements will not be affected by involvement of the L5 Nerve root?

1. Knee Flexion
2. Toe Extension
3. Thigh adduction
4. Knee Extension 
  1. Question

Which of the following agents is not associated with Hyperthermia

1. Amphetamines
2. MAO inhibitors
3. Alcohol
4. Atropine 
  1. Question

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) differs from thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. In this reference the DIC is most likely characterized by:

1. Significant numbers of schistocytes
2. A brisk reticulocytosis
3. Decreased coagulation factor levels
4. Significant thrombocytopenia 
  1. Question

A 37 weeks pregnant woman attends an antenatal clinic at a Primary Health Centre. She has not had any antenatal visit till now. The best approach regarding tetanus immunization in this case would be to

1. Give her anti-tetanus Immunoglobulin along with the TT vaccine
2. Do not waste the TT vaccine as it would anyhow be of no use in this pregnancy
3. Give a dose of Tetanus Toxoid (TT) and explain to her that it will not protect the new born and she should take the second dose after four weeks even if she delivers in the meantime
4. Give one dose of TT and explain that it will not be useful for this pregnancy 
  1. Question

A 3.5 year old child has not received primary immunization. Which of the following is the best vaccination advice to such a child?

1. BCG, DT1, OPV1, measles, vitamin A
2. BCG, DPT1, OPV1, measles, vitamin A
3. BCG, DPT1 and OPV1. DPT2 and OPV2 after 4 weeks.
4. DT1, DT2 and booster after 1 year 
  1. Question

Multi-purpose worker scheme in India was initiated following the recommendation of:

1. Srivastava Committee
2. Bhore Committee
3. Kartar Singh Committee
4. Mudaliar Committee 
  1. Question

All of the following statements about serotonin syndrome are true, except:

1. Dantrolene is the drug of choice
2. lt is not an idiosyncratic reaction
3. Can be caused by SSRI
4. Associated with hyperthermia and hypertension 
  1. Question

Which of the following drug is most commonly used world wide in maintenance doses for opioid dependence

1. lmipramine
2. Methadone
3. Disulfiram
4. Naltrexone 
  1. Question

lf each value of a given group of observations is multiplied by 10 the standard deviation of the resulting observations is :

1. Original std. Deviation x 10
2. Original std. Deviation /10
3. Original std. Deviation – l0
4. Original std. Deviation itself 
  1. Question

If the grading of diabetes is classified as mild, moderate and severe the scale of measurement used is :

1. Nominal
2. Ordinal
3. Ratio
4. Interval 
  1. Question

According to Intemational Health Regulations, there is no risk of spread of yellow Fever if the Aedes aegypti index remains below :

1. 10%
2. 1%
3. 5%
4. 8% 
  1. Question

If prevalence of diabetes is 10%, the probability that three people selected at random from the population will have diabetes is:

1. 0.01
2. 0.03
3. 0.001
4. 0.003 
  1. Question

The most appropriate test to assess the prevalence of tuberculosis infection in a community is :

1. Tuberculin Test
2. Mass Miniature Radiotherapy
3. Sputum examination
4. Clinical examination 
  1. Question

Amphotericin B treatment mandates the monitoring of which of the following electrolytes:

1. K+
2. Ca2+
3. Mg2+
4. Na+ 
  1. Question

A patient who was given primaquine develops dark coloured urine one day after administration of the drug. The likely diagnosis is

1. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
2. Galactose-6-phosphatase deficiency
3. Glucose-6- phosphatase deficiency
4. Galactose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency 
  1. Question

A 10 month old child weighing 8kg has Bitot spots in both eyes. Which of the following is the most appropriate schedule to prescribe vitamin A to this child ?

1. 1 lakh units IM on day O, 1 and 14
2. 2 lakh units intramuscular (IM) on day 0, 14
3. 1 lakh units IM on day 0, 14
4. 2 lakh units IM on day 0, 1 and 14 
  1. Question

All of the following statements about leprosy are true except :

1. A defaulter is defined as a patient who has not taken treatment for 6 months or more
2. Multibacillary leprosy is diagnosed when there are more than 5 skin patches
3. New case detection rate is an indicator for incidence of leprosy
4. The target for elimination of leprosy is to reduce the prevalence to less than l per 10,000 population. 
  1. Question

Gallow’s traction is used for ?

1. Fracture neck of femur
2. Fracture shaft of femur
3. Fracture humerus
4. Fracture tibia 
  1. Question

The following statements about breast milk are true except :

1. The maximum milk output is seen at 12 months
2. Calcium absorption of human milk is better than that of cow’s milk
3. The coefficient of uptake of iron in breast milk is 70%
4. It provides about 65 kcals per 100 ml 
  1. Question

The following statements are true about Intrauterine devices (IUD) except:

1. Multiload Cu-375 is a third generation IUD
2. The pregnancy rate of Lippes loop and Cu—T 200 are similar
3. IUD can be used for Emergency Contraception within 5 days
4. Levonorgestrel releasing IUD has an effective life of 5 years. 
  1. Question

The current recommendation for breast feeding is that :

1. Colostrum is the most suitable food for a new born baby but it is best avoided in first 2 days
2. The baby should be allowed to breast—feed till one year of age
3. Exclusive breast-feeding should be continued till 6 months of age followed by supplementation with additional foods
4. Exclusive breast-feeding should be continued till 4 months of age followed by supplementation with additional foods 
  1. Question

“Five clean practices” under strategies for elimination of neonatal tetanus include all except :

1. New blade for cutting the cord
2. Clean surface for delivery
3. Clean hand of the attendant
4. Clean airway 
  1. Question

All of the following are the mode of transmission of leprosy except?

1. Droplet infection
2. Transplacental spread
3. Insect bite
4. Breast milk 
  1. Question

The National Population Policy of India has set the following goals except :

1. To bring down Total Fertility Rate (TFR) to replacement levels by 2015
2. To reduce the Infant Mortality Rate to 30 per l000 live births
3. To reduce the Maternal Mortality Rate to 100 per 100000 live births
4. 100 percent registration of births, deaths, marriages and pregnancies