Online Test Series 42

  1. Question

Shine Dalgarno sequence in bacterial mRNA is near:

1. UAA codon
2. AUG codon
3. UAG codon
4. UGA codon 
  1. Question

A segment of a eukaryotic gene that is not represented in the mature messenger RNA is known as:

1. Intron
2. Exon
3. Plasmid
4. TATA box 
  1. Question

A newly posted junior doctor had difficulty in finding out base deficit/excess for blood in a given patient. An experienced senior resident advised a quick method to determine acid base composition of blood based on PCO2. Which of the following is the likely method he suggested to predict acid base composition of blood?

1. Red ford nonuogram
2. DuBio’s normogram
3. Goldman constant Field equation
4. Siggard Andersen normogram 
  1. Question

RNA polymerase does not require :

1. Divalent metal ions (Mn2+, Mg2+)
2. Activated precursors (ATP, GTP, UTP, CTP)
3. Template (ds DNA)
4. Primer 
  1. Question

The force of muscle contraction can be increased by all of the following except :

1. Increasing the number of motor units activated
2. Increasing the frequency of activation of motor units
3. Recruiting larger motor units
4. Increasing the amplitude of action potentials in the motor neurons 
  1. Question

In which of the following form is the Anti diuretic hormone (ADH) is circulated in plasma :

1. Bound to neurophysin-II
2. Bound to neurophysin-I
3. Bound to plasma albumin
4. Free form 
  1. Question

The main excitatory neurotransmitter in the CNS is:

1. Aspartate
2. Glutamate
3. Acetylcholine
4. Glycine 
  1. Question

Before the onset of puberty, the GnRH neurons are under the inhibitory control of :

1. Glutamate
2. Gamma amino butyric acid (GABA)
3. Beta—endorphin
4. Glycine 
  1. Question

During the cardiac cycle the opening of the aortic valve takes place at the :

1. End of isovolumetric contraction
2. End of diastole
3. End of diastasis
4. Beginning of systole 
  1. Question

The enzyme associated with the conversion of androgen to oestrogen in the growing ovarian follicle is:

1. Aromatase
2. Desmolase
3. Isomerase
4. Hydroxylase 
  1. Question

The Couinaud’s segmental nomenclature is based on the position of the :

1. Portal vein and biliary ducts
2. Hepatic veins and portal vein
3. Portal vein and hepatic artery
4. Hepatic veins and biliary ducts 
  1. Question

Patients having acute cardiac failure do not show pedal oedema, because :

1. There is renal compensation
2. The plasma oncotic pressure is high
3. There is an increase in cardiac output
4. There is a fall in the systemic capillary hydrostatic pressure 
  1. Question

Sertoli cells have receptors for:

1. Inhibin
2. Luteinizing hormone
3. Melatonin
4. Follicle stimulating hormone 
  1. Question

During acclimatization to high altitude all of the following take place except:

1. Increase in the sensitivity of central chemoreceptors
2. Shift in the oxygen dissociation curve to the left
3. Increase in minute ventilation
4. Increase in the sensitivity of carotid body to hypoxia 
  1. Question

One intem calculated the concentration of O2 in blood as 0.0025 ml/ml of blood. Considering atmospheric pressure as 760mmHg, how much approx. O2 tension could have been in the blood ?

1. 40mmHg
2. 100mmHg
3. 60mmHg
4. 80mmHg