Ossification in foetus starts

Ossification in foetus starts in -
a) 1st week of intrauterine life
b) 2nd week of intrauterine life
c) 5th week of intrauterine life
d) 5th month of intrauterine life

The inferior mesentric artery supplies all of the following organs except the -

a) Ascending colon
b) Descending colon
c) Transverse colon
d) Sigraoid colon

The following structures are attached to the greater tuberosity of the humerus except -

a) Supraspinatus muscle
b) The coracohumeral ligament
c) Teres minor muscle
d) Infraspinatus muscle
e) Subscapularis muscle

Non ascent of the kidney is due to faulty -
a) Ureteric bud
b) Metanephric cap
c) Blood vessels
d) Mesonephric ducts

Choroid fissure of the eye permits the entry of-

a) Choroid plexus
b) Ciliary arteries
c) Central artery ofthe retina
d) Hyaloid artery