Passed Plab2 after wasting a lot of time on IELTS

passed Plab2 after wasting a lot of time on IELTS. Few people find PLAB2 an easy exam and for others it could be a quite stressful situation. Whatever you feel about the exam, please be confident and think it’s not the end of life. During my mock exam a few examiners literally laughed at me and I was clueless what am I going to do in real exam? But there were also a few people who appreciated my confidence. So I was in 50/50 situation about my exam. Guys believe me if I can do anybody can do it. Wanted to share a few things which might help you in the exam.

  • Read the instructions outside the cubicle attentively and understand the task. This will decide your performance in the cubicle.
  • tasks may not be exactly the same as you have in your academy notes. That’s why reading and understanding instructions is very important.
  • Try to memorise the patient’s name given on the task paper.
  • Remember which department you are in. This will also have impact on your management. As you are unable to admit the patient if you are at GP practice.
  • Never forget to answer patient’s concerns. Otherwise you may fail the station As I did in one station. If you don’t know don’t give wrong answer just apologise that you are not sure about it. It will make life easier.
  • Please shorten the history if station demands you to do a procedure or examination.
  • check with your academy if there are topics about new stations. I got quite a few new stations in my exam.
  • if you are not sure about the task in the cubicle, please recheck the instructions.
  • please don’t panic if one station does not go well. Focus on the next.
  • finally, it’s only an exam not a matter of life and death. But be well prepared and don’t rely on people who say they did it just after preparation of a few days. Their brain or talent could be extraordinary but believe me many of you are like me. So don’t be overconfident either.
    A very best of luck to all of you for your exam. I really pray that you all pass this exam because there are long struggles and stressful stories behind our medical journey.