- In meconium aspiration syndrome all of the following are true except
A.there is always respiratory distress
B.steroids are not useful
C.ECMO may be useful
Ans. A
- What is the percentage of steroid responders in a case of Minimal Change disease
Ans. D
At what age a child is able to state correctly his name and sex
Ans. A? -
Which of the following reflexes is present at birth
A.knee jerk
B.ankle jerk
C.biceps jerk
D.triceps jerk
- Swollen cherry red lip with strawberry tongue is a feature of
A.Kawasaki disease
B.Scarlet fever
Ans. A
- Which of the following will not lead to decrease in cell mediated immunity
A.protein energy malnutrition
B.zinc deficiency
C.selenium deficiency
D.iron deficiency
Ans. C
- In Phenylketonuria all are true except
A.EEG abnormality in 50% of cases
B.convulsion in 25% of cases
C.Blood is drawn for testing immediately after birth
D.profuse vomiting
Ans. C
- A 15 month old child is able to do all the following except
A.crawl upstairs
B.make a tower of 5 cubes
C.name familiar objects
D.point to familiar things
Ans. B