Please approve Admin Sir if you think this post is feasible for this group

Please approve Admin Sir if you think this post is feasible for this group 😊

This is just my way of life Not to offend anyone here

Aapki life h I’m No one to tell what is right for you, you have to decide

Their is nothing like dream branch

This is just conditioning and propoganda spread my some people for their benifits

Very less people <5% take branch according to their gut feeling

Rest take branch according to what they heard their conditioning, have to work less more money wise rewarding

Tell me Toppers choose Radiology and many people want to take radio because this is their branch

Think this is not true , nobody like to sit in one room seeing black and white things on screen without patient interaction

People just choose it because it is financially top branch , less time more money it sure their future just that

Same apply to derma who like to treat rashes or things not comfortable to their eyes but it’s financially top branch and less hectic more wealth in long term

that’s why people prefer to choose it

☀️But here is the twist nobody tell about the way by which many other branches people gaining the same wealthy life by different measures

Thing about our coaching non clinical,paraclinical faculties but you can say they are very few examples but have you ever visit cities other than tier 1 city , people like pharmacist, aryuvedu, only mbbs people, non clinical branch people with showing mbbs, md outside their small clinics earns money in lacs

But this pathway is slightly uncertain nobody tell about that and clinical pg pathaway is slightly more certain(100% certainty also not in clinical pg , see condition after that) so we choose that rat race pathway in which you loose your mental peace, health , your jawani , peak energy phase of life

In turn what we get is nothing compare to what we get

Many people choose different pathway like teaching, start your clinic early with table and chair only things take time , action timing is very important

So think my friend twice before deciding your final decision

If you take decision influenced by other people, you may end up with measable life because your priority is different your life is different

Yes money is very important but at the cost of your mental peace, health is not worthy at all

This is my 2nd post normaly I prefer sharing my thoughts through videos on my Yt channel because it’s takes more time to write

Lastly if you think all above things are rubbish it’s ok Just ingone this post and move forward best wishes for you and others