POLYCORIA- pathological conditions of eye characterized by more than one pupil in the iris

POLYCORIA- pathological conditions of eye characterized by more than one pupil in the iris.

COMPLICATIONS- blurred vision, poor vision n difficulties in vision in glare of light. A bridge of tissue between the iris nd pupils.

The complications in polycoria occurs due to less effective iris n pupil.

TRUE POLYCORIA- having two or more separate pupil in one eye. Each pupil will have its own spincter muscle. Each pupil will contract n dilate individually. This affects the vision nd is very rare.

PSEUDO POLYCORIA- appearance of two or more pupil in eye however do not have their individual spincter muscle. The holes in iris looks like extra pupil which is just a defect nd do not cause pblms in vision.

CAUSES- the underlying cause of polycoria is not known.

However some conditions associated with it are:

Detach retina

Polar cataract


Abnormal development in pupil margins

Abnormal eye development.