.primary disease causing raised PCO2 manifests as?

.primary disease causing raised PCO2 manifests as ?

a. respiratory acidosis
b. respiratory alkalosis
c. metabolic acidosis
d. metabolic alkalosis

what is the histological landmark of langerhan’s cells ?

a. dendritic cell processes
b. giant mitochondria
c. birbeck granules
d. increased serum alkaline phosphatase

A male adult patient hospitalized for treatment of a pulmonary embolism develops respiratory alkalosis. Which clinical findings commonly accompany respiratory alkalosis?
Nausea or vomiting
Abdominal pain or diarrhea
Hallucinations or tinnitus
Lightheadedness or paresthesia

Nurse Ruth assessing a patient for tracheal displacement should know that the trachea will deviate toward the:
Contralateral side in a simple pneumothorax
Affected side in a hemothorax
Affected side in a tension pneumothorax
Contralateral side in hemothorax

What is the most suitable management?

A.Vitamin D + calcium supplementation + repeat DEXA scan in 6 months

B.Vitamin D + calcium supplementation

C.Vitamin D + calcium supplementation + hormone replacement therapy

D.Vitamin D + calcium supplementation + oral bisphosphonate

A 57-year-old woman with a history of polymyalgia rheumatica has been taking prednisolone 10 mg for the past 5 months. A DEXA scan is reported as follows:

L2 T-score -1.6 SD
Femoral neck T-score -1.7 SD

the following are CNS findings of CO2 narcosis except ?

a. excitement
b. increased pH of CSF
c. decreased pH of CSF
d. papilloedema