Primary injury is Due to shock wave

Primary injury is ?
a) Due to flying debris b
b) Due to blast wind
c) Due to shock wave
d) Due to complication
Correct Answer - C
Ans. is ‘c’ i.e., Due to shock wave
Types of blast injuries
These are of following types :?

  1. Primary : It is due to shock wave which causes injury to hollow
    organs. e.g. ears, lungs, eyes, GIT etc.
  2. Secondary : These are due to flying debris (missiles). Classical
    Marshalls triad i.e. bruises, abrasions and puncture laceration is
    diagnostic of explosive injury.
  3. Tertiary : It is due to blast wind, i.e. victm is thrown into air and
    strikes other objects leading to fracture, blunt trauma etc.
  4. Quaternary : Any complicating factor (not in first three categories)
    causes quaternary injury, e.g. anoxia, respiratory problems etc