PRP MESOTHERAPY (Autologous Mesotherapy)

(Autologous Mesotherapy)

The autologous or Platelet Rich Plasma mesotherapy is the natural non-invasive procedure your face may need in order to look more youthful and bright.
Mesotherapy is a widely used facial rejuvenation technique based on the infusion of important substances such as vitamins, in the skin.
During the autologous mesotherapy or PRP, the doctor injects a material that comes from our own body, after a thorough preparation.

The treatment is biocompatible, as instead of synthetic materials, the doctor takes advantage of autologous plasma and growth factors of platelets coming from the patient’s own blood. They stimulate the natural mechanism of healing. Moreover, the results of this method last longer than the ones of the traditional mesotherapy, thanks to its autologous effect. Whereas any synthetic materials are absorbed by the body within 2-3 months, autologous mesotherapy lasts up to 6 months.

How is autologous mesotherapy performed?

At first, the doctor takes a small amount of your blood (with a normal blood test) and then centrifugates it and separates out the red and white blood cells, plasma and platelets. The plasma is rich in platelets which are then stimulated in order to release a huge amount of growth factors which lead to facial rejuvenation and skin firmness when this special plasma is re-injected in its surface.

What are the results the patient will notice after the PRP mesotherapy procedure?

The autologous mesotherapy is the ideal anti-aging technique which helps us keep a healthy, glowing skin. The PRP method protects it from the damages that time and environment cause. Moreover, it boosts collagen and elastin production and it increases the cells’ metabolism. This results in:
-Prevention and smoothing out of any wrinkles
-A radiant and firm skin
-Reduction of hyperpigmentation
-Improvement of the orange peel look and cellulite prevention
-Treatment of skin laxity

Is the autologous mesotherapy combined with other treatments?

Of course, it supplements in an excellent way other procedures, such as hyaluronic acid, anti-wrinkle and muscle relaxant injections, photorejuvenation treatments and chemical peels. The combinations are customized according to the problem.

When will the patient need to repeat the treatment?

Within 4-6 months.
Where can the autologous mesotherapy be done?
It can be performed on the face, neck, décolleté, hands and body skin for the treatment of cellulite and skin laxity, as it offers natural rejuvenation and refreshment.

Are there any side effects?

They are rare and may appear in the area where the doctor made the injections. The skin may become swollen, red and bruised, but all these side effects will go away in a few days. The most important thing is that the treatment is bearable and it is almost impossible to have any allergic reactions, as the material comes from the patient’s blood.

Are there any contraindications?

All healthy patients can undergo the autologous mesotherapy procedure. However, it should not be performed in case a patient has any problem with their blood. Moreover, it should not be done during pregnancy or in cases of deep vein thrombosis, AIDS, cancer, chronic liver disease etc. The experienced doctor who will perform it should know about your medical history in order to advise you best.

What else should the patient know about the treatment?

The autologous mesotherapy is the scientists’ answer to the need for a firmer and radiant skin. It is a fast and painless procedure offering impressive results by taking advantage of the precious material of our own body. However, as in any treatment, you need to cooperate well with your doctor who will decide whether you should undergo the procedure. The most recent innovation is the development of a filler through plasma preparation (PRFM). This material works just like hyaluronic acid and fills the wrinkles