Psychiatry AIIMS MAY 2013

Q-1. While performing a mental status examination (MSE), the awareness or understanding of a patient of her/his illness is called
a) Insight
b) Judgment
c) Orientation
d) Cognition

Answer: Insight
Insight: The person’s understanding of his/her mental illness is evaluated by exploring his or her explanatory account of the problem, and understanding of the treatment options.
Judgment: Judgment refers to person’s capacity to make sound, reasoned and responsible decisions.
Cognition: Cognition covers the person’s level of alertness, orientation, attention, memory, visuo-spatial functioning, language function and executive function.

Q-2. A child was assessed with Wechsler Intelligence Scale and his intelligence was found to be in the average range. His IQ is most likely to be
a) 50
b) 75
c) 90
d) 111

Answer: 90
Wechsler Intelligence Scale:
IQ Score and Range
≥ 130: Very superior
120-129: Superior
110-119: High average
90-109: Average
80-89: Low average
70-79: Borderline

Q-3. Which of the following is used as an anti-craving agent in patients of alcohol dependence?
a) Acamprosate
b) Disulfiram
c) Buprenorphine
d) Clonidine

Answer: Acamprosate
Treatment of alcohol dependence:
Anti-craving agents:
Aversion agents:
Citrated calcium carbimide

Q-4. A known alcoholic is brought to the emergency department by his wife. The person has not consumed alcohol for the past two days due to religious reasons. The person complained of nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. On the second day he developed seizures that progressed to generalized tonic clonic seizures. Which of the following would be the best medication to manage the seizures of the patient?
a) Sodium Valproate
b) Phenytoin
c) Diazepam
d) Clonidine

Answer: Diazepam
Alcohol withdrawal seizures are usually generalised (tonic-clonic) seizures.
Seizures may occur 6 to 48 hours after the last drink is consumed in alcohol dependent individuals.
Benzodiazepines are safe and effective for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal. In general, long acting benzodiazepines with a rapid onset of action are most commonly recommended.
Diazepam should be administered in a loading regimen in patients with a history of severe withdrawal complications (seizures, delirium); in patients presenting in severe alcohol withdrawal and/or severe withdrawal complications (delirium, hallucinations, following withdrawal seizure).

Q-5. In Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, concepts like out of sight is out of the following stages?
a) Formal operation stage
b) Concrete operation stage
c) Pre-operation stage
d) Sensori-motor stage

Answer: Sensori-motor stage
Piaget’s Stages of cognitive development:
Sensori-motor (0-2 years) – An important milestone of this stage is that of object permanence; in which infants understand that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight.
Preoperational (2-7 years)
Concrete operational (7-11 years)
Formal operational (11-16 years to adulthood)