Quiz on Research Methodology

  1. One of the best ways to choose a "Novel Research Topic is"
    1 point
    Subscribe to E-table of contents from major journals
    Discuss clinical queries arising out of patient care with your colleagues and friends
    Reading full text articles from recently published literature
    Being part of regular journal club discussions in your department
    All of the above
  2. The study design that yields the highest level of evidence is
    1 point
    Randomized controlled trial
    Case control study
    Meta-Analysis and Literature review
    Cohort Study
  3. Defining the Primary Outcome measure is essential because:
    1 point
    It helps with sample size calculation
    It helps in deciding the type of analytic statistics to be used
    It helps to decide the novelty and publication potential of the study
    In a way, it represents the study question
    It helps to write the results section of the manuscript
    All of the above
  4. Following is true about making an Excel sheet for statistical analysis:
    1 point
    It is perfectly OK to have english language alphabets in the entire excel sheet
    Continuous variables should be entered in a uniform manner using the same unit.
    Categorical variables should not be coded while data entry
    It is OK to categorize continuous variables into categories when entering data
    Labeling variables using comments is not useful
  5. What is meant by the term “Outliers”?
    1 point
    Observations that are not included in the statistical analysis
    Observations that represent extreme values in a variable
    Observations that out number the maximum possible limit of a variable
    Observations that lie outside the standard deviation
    Observations that lie outside the 95% confidence interval
  6. The best way to pictorally represent continuous variables, including outliers is:
    1 point
    Histograms with a bell curve
    Box and whisker plots showing median and interquartile range
    Bar diagrams
    Pie charts
  7. Biostatisticians do not require the following data while performing sample size calculation
    1 point
    Primary outcome measures and their types
    Sample size of previous studies
    Study design and Null Hypopthesis
    Expected difference between outcomes (mean+std deviation or proportions)
  8. What is meant by a confounder variable?
    1 point
    A variable that is measured but is not used in data analysis
    A variable that has many outliers
    An important variable that was not measured in the study
    A variable that directly influences the relationship between an independent variable and the primary outcome variable.
    A variable that does not interacts with other variables in the study
  9. The only way to account for the influence of confounders is:
    1 point
    Excluding patients with confounders
    Performing regression analysis to adjust for confounders and looking for interaction terms
    Analyzing influencer data points and excluding them
    Using box and whisker plot to identify outliers that influence and skew outcomes
    Weightage to specific data points to eliminate influence of confounders
  10. The statistical test of choice to analyze differences between categorical variables from three groups is:
    1 point
    Student t test
    Paired t test
    Chi square test
    Wilcoxon ranksum test
    Mann Whitney U test
    Kruskall Wallis test
  11. Points to consider when choosing a journal for submitting your manuscript are:
    1 point
    Target audience
    Scope of the journal
    Impact factor of the journal
    The peer review process of the journal
    Average time taken from submission to initial decision
    All of the above
  12. Original articles should include material in which order?
    1 point
    Introduction, Results, Methods, Discussion
    Methods, Results, Introduction and Discussion
    Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion
    Results, Methods, Discussion, Introduction
  13. Which is the most suited checklist for writing prospective observational studies?
    1 point
  14. The most suitable checklist for writing Retrospectively collected data is
    1 point
  15. It is best to write the abstract at which stage of manuscript preparation?
    1 point
    At the beginning as the abstract is the one read first
    At the end of the manuscript writing
    After writing the results section
    After the introduction and methods sections
  16. The most important aspect of a manuscript that determines the publication potential is:
    1 point
    Statistical Analysis
  17. Journal Editors and Reviewers expect a paper to be:
    1 point
    Novel - plug a gap in literature
    Relevant - comtemporary and in sync with current times
    Valid - use sound methodology, statistics and discuss findings in a logical way
    Written with scientific rigor without spelling and grammatical errors
    All the above
  18. One of the commonest causes of Editorial rejection is
    1 point
    Manuscript not meeting the scope of the journal
    Statistics are not done properly
    Content of the paper is not novel enough to interest readers
    Writing is not up to journal standards
  19. Reference managers perform which of the following functions?
    1 point
    Identify references from literature that are required for your study
    Organize your bibliography automatically in a desirable format
    Assist journal editors in adjudicating whether the correct and most relevant references have been cited or not
    Do not allow changes in the journal volume, issue and page number when required
  20. Were you aware of Senguptas Research Academy before this Quiz
    0 points
  21. Are you confident of conducting Clinical Research independently?
  22. Do you think it is worth investing your time and money in learning basic research techniques?

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