Raise awareness and engage and empower people and communities

Raise awareness and engage and empower people
and communities
The public and individual communities – specifically underserved
populations, such as women, migrants, indigenous peoples, and
persons with certain kinds of disability – need to be made aware of the
importance of early identification of eye conditions; the need to prevent
and address vision impairment; and how they can be empowered to
gain access to eye care services.
Recommended actions are:
Raising awareness about the availability of effective interventions
that address all eye care needs across the life course.
Conducting public health campaigns that emphasize the importance
of eye care.
Engaging and empowering the public, specifically underserved
populations, to be aware of their eye care needs and demand and
seek eye care services.
Engaging the education and labour sectors as partners in raising
awareness about the importance of identifying eye conditions and
accessing eye care services among students and employees.
Raising awareness of the societal obligation to fulfil the rights of
individuals with vision impairment and blindness that cannot be
treated, to participate in society on an equal basis with others.