Reversible myocardial ischemia?

Q-23. Which test is performed to detect reversible myocardial ischemia? (NEET Based)
a) Coronary angiography
b) MUGA Scan
c) Thallium Scan
d) Resting echocardiography

Answer: Thallium Scan
See above explanation.
PET is generally regarded as the gold standard for the assessment of myocardium viability. PET identifies ischemic or hibernating myocardium in 10-20 % of the regions that would be classified as fibrotic or infracted by thallium and technetium labeled compounds.
Important point:
Viable myocardium is myocardium which due to ischemia does not contract normally at rest but has the potential to recover its function, either by itself over time or after revascularization.