Rich materials in different parts of the body in various state diseases

are defined as deposition of yellowish,cholesterol-rich materials in different parts of the body in various state diseases…therefored considered cutaenous manifestations of lipidosis…
.clinically seven types of xanthomas are found depending on site of appearance …and are associated with hypercholesterolaemia,type2 hyperlipidaemia,hyperlipoprotinaemia,hypertriglyceridaemia,familial hypercholesterolaemia,billary tract obstruction and,primary billary cirrhosis…
*xanthelesma…*tuberous xanthoma
*tendonius xanthoma.*erruptive xanth
*xanthoma planium.*palmar xanthoma
*tuberoerruptive xanthomas
…xanthomas are considered risk factors of coronory artery disease,hypertention and strokes