Scheduled for January 8th. Besides starting PT, any other tips before surgery?

Scheduled for January 8th. Besides starting PT, any other tips before surgery? Items to get?
I have an ice machine and heating blanket. I’ve seen those suggested.

16 days post op. Definitely talk to your doctor about stool softeners. Between the anesthesia and pain meds it was pretty awful. I took my pain meds every four hours for the first three days even if I didn’t have pain (as per my doctors instruction) to stay ahead of it. I basically slept the first day and a half. I only take one now (with half the dosage of what the initially prescribed) to sleep.

The person that recommended you have your space set up before surgery is right. You’re not going to feel like doing anything.

Shower chair. And I wasn’t cleared to submerge my leg for 2 weeks but desperately wanted a bath. I used a really big kitchen bowl and a towel to prop my leg up so I could take one. It was quite possibly the best bath of my life 😂😂

As far as crutches, I skipped those and opted for a walker. I’m clumsy anyways and the crutches just made me feel even more so. But I suppose that’s all preference 🙂

Good luck! You’ll do great