Short and short information about the gland thyroid?

Short and short information about the gland #Thyroid gland tyride

This gland is part of the largest endocrane gland and is made of two lobes. Tyroid weighs about twenty five grams and its size is in bigger men.

Tyroid size increases in women during menstruation and pregnancy.

Tyroid in the central part has Eastmos (strait) that causes two tyroid lobes to be connected to each other. The third lob may sometimes come out of Eastmos or two other main lobes. In some cases, small masses of tyroid tissue are seen around the gland that are not connected to the main gland and are known as the Tyroid accessory glands.

Tyroid gland forming units are asinus yafolicol and are central to it are cloid proteins that are used as a tyroid hormone storage store. Four main tyroid performance are:

Ayodin absorption and transfer

Construction and dissemination of tyroglobin

Ayodine connection to tyroglobin to make thyroid hormones

The discharge of thyroid hormone to the blood flow system

#Thyroid hormones

Thyroid hormones include Thyroxin or. triydotironine or. and tri-idotyronin varon or., which calcitonine hormone is also synthesized by the thyroid gland.

From the Thyroid hormones mentioned. is spread to higher amounts but. has the most activity and. has the least amount.

Thyroid hormones are derived from tyrogloboline, which is a large iodine glacoprotein.

Ayodin absorption is the first essential stage in tyroid hormone synthesis. Ayodine that enters the body through food is connected to serum proteins, especially albumin. Ayodine that is not connected to proteins is removed through urine. The adjustment of the iodine transfer mechanism is very precise and this allows for matching different amounts of diet iodine. Reducing diet ayodin will increase its absorption. In areas where there is a relative shortage of Ayodin, the spread of Jaghor increases.