Skin pigmentation means the treatment of tourist spots on skin

Skin Pgmnٹy̰sẖn means the treatment of tourist spots on skin

Skin pigmentation is not the same as the color of the skin, and the places are wrinkled. the ہạỷy̰pr pgmnٹy̰sẖn can affect any part of the body. which includes face, neck, hand, arm and legs. The reason is a lot of production of my̰lạnn. Which may have different reasons, it includes different problems of hormones, pregnancy and health.

The external causes of skin disorders are too much to be in sunlight, to be injured, to be wounded, to be jealous, mental pressure or chemical.
You can get rid of skin management by doing some home remedies.

Lemon has a citric acid that has the ability to bleaching skin. This feature is very popular for skin treatment treatment.

. Take out lemon juice and get it on the skin with wool, leave it for ten to fifteen minutes and then wash it with water. Do this twice a day. A few months will see a clear difference.

  • apart from this, you can also make a mask by mixing the equal amount of lemon and honey. Get both the things well. Cover the skin with a hot table for fifteen minutes, then wash with semi-hot water. Do it for several months once.
    Note: people with delicate skin should use water in lemon juice.

Kacha potato
Potato also clears skin marks and color.

  • cut a potato and cut the fat slice. Add a few drops of water to the potatoes and get it for five to ten minutes. Then wash it with semi-hot water. Do it for three to four times a day.
  • squeeze the potatoes and squeeze it. Add lemon juice to the juice. Leave this skin on the skin and leave it for thirty minutes and then open it. Do it for a month in a day.

Apple vinegar
Apple vinegar also ends the skin’s tourist spots due to higher melasma. It has the ability to make skin shiny. Also helps to restore the natural color of the skin.

  • add apple cider and water to the ḵwbrạbr. Apply it to the affected part of the skin. Leave it for two three minutes. and then wash it with semi-hot water. Use two off a week in the day.
  • add two tea spoon to the apple vinegar in half a glass of neem water and add a tea spoon honey. Use it twice a day and use it until you feel the difference or the difference.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E skin is useful for the treatment of Melasma. It improves the effects of Ultra-White Reese and improves the skin.

Break A Capsules of Vitamin E and put it in a bowl of water. Add three drops of Custer Oil to the bottom of the night and wash it on the next day and wash it on the next day. Do it daily for weeks.

  • massage for minutes from Vitamin E Oil twice a day.

Turmeric also clears the color.

  • add a tea spoon to the affected part and add a tea-spoon lemon juice to the affected part. Leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash with cold water and avoid getting in the sun for an hour after washing it. Daily day Use before bathing once.
  • add ten food spoons to turmeric and make a paste of milk with milk. Apply Paste on the affected part and massage for five minutes. Leave it for twenty minutes and then wash it with neem water.

Yellow Vera
Aloe Vera is also the best for skin treatment treatment.

  • Apply Aloe Vera Gel to the affected skin before bed and leave it for the whole night. Get up in the morning and wash it for a few weeks.
  • two eating spoons with aloe vera half a meal spoon honey mix it well and put it for ten minutes. Now apply this skin to the skin and leave it to the skin. After twenty minutes, wash it with semi-hot water daily once. Apply for two weeks.

The crusts of the canoe
Teach the crusts of the canoe and take a piece. the crusts in the peel is the one who helps to clean the skin.

  • one tea spoon lemon juice, honey and milk. Add a tea spoon in peel powder. Solve well. Apply on the mtạtẖrw part. Leave it for twenty minutes and then massage the rest. Semi Hot water. Wash from. Do three or four times a week.
    Keep some caution with these ٹwٹḵwں. Don’t come out in the sun. If you have to get out, use the screen that is at least 30