Specialisation – surgery (orthopedics and traumatology)

Knowledge, experience and skills in:
the contents of the basic surgical training in the area the prevention, diagnosis, surgical and conservative treatment, aftercare and rehabilitation of injuries and their sequelae, as well as congenital and acquired deformations, malformations, functional disorders and diseases of the supporting and iocomotor taking into account the differences in the various age levels
the treatment of heavy-and multiple injuries, including trauma management to supply the required emergency neurotraumatologic, vascular surgery, thoracic surgery and surgical visceral action through interdisciplinary collaboration
the collection of intraoperative radiological control, taking into account the findings radiation protection
the conservative and functional treatment of congenital and acquired deformities and maturation disorders
the foundations of conservative and surgical treatment of rheumatic joint diseases
the basics of the surgical treatment of tumors of the musculoskeletal organs
the detection and treatment of soft tissue injuries, wounds and burns including participation in reconstructive procedures
the detection and treatment of injuries, diseases and disorders of the hand
the prevention, detection and treatment of sports injuries and sports injuries and their effects
the involvement of higher levels during surgery
the prevention and treatment of bone diseases and osteoporosis
chiropractic and physical measures, including functional and practice of developmental care and the medical establishment and training of device therapy
technical orthopedics and orthopedic devices, including training in use fittings for their review and after completion
the fundamentals of injury through medical and industrial types of procedures professional associations

Examination and treatment procedures

Examination and treatment procedures based training
sonographic examinations of the movement organs including arthrosonography, whereof:
Infant hipsEmergency sonography of the body cavities
surgery, whereof:

emergency surgery, for example, in body cavities, tracheotomy, chest tubes, thoracotomy, laparotomy

on the spine, Frakturosteosynthesen eg, discectomy, decompression