Stains, spots pure clean skin

Stains, spots pure clean skin

If you have black spotted on any other part of your face or body and you want to know the reason and treatment of their being, then watch this article and see that skin experts are the reasons, treatment and treatment and What are the ways of save them?

What is hyper pgmy̰n ٹ y̰sẖn?

The deep spotted that appear on skin are called hyper pgmy̰n ٹ y̰sẖn. our jldḵ ے sales have a my̰ldḵw color. When the skin starts making a skin sy̰lzy̰ạd ہ my̰lzy̰ạd ہ my̰lạnn, they become the reason for hyper pgmy̰n ٹ y̰sẖn.

Why is hyper pgmy̰n ٹ y̰sẖn?

When there is a disease or hurt, the production of the my̰lạnn increases and it causes hyper pgmy̰n ٹ y̰sẖn. The common diseases of the skin becomes this sign because of ạy̰ḵny̰, ạy̰gzy̰mạ or just ḵ ھ ḵ ھ ḵ ھ ḵ ھ ḵ ھ ḵ ھ ḵ ھ ḵ ھ ḵ ھ ḵ ھ ḵ ھ ḵ ھ ḵ ھ ạn ے. Some Even due to the mistakes in skin treatment, black spotted are seen. Other than that, there are spotted and scars and scars on the skin.


Due to living in the sun, the spotted of hyper pgals and nose are featured. This type of hyper pegmy̰n ٹ y̰sẖn is called my̰lạzmạ. The second reasons for the lack of pregnancy, lack of hormons and abuse, or harmon therapy. May.

Why is it necessary to go to ڈ rmạ ٹ wlwjs ٹ?

In Case of spotted, the expert skin has a jạnạḍrwry̰ so that he can know the reason for them. If there are sesame sesame on your body that are turning into their color, workmanship or volume immediately contact with derma ٹ wlwjs ٹ wlwjs ٹ Do. When there is the right diagnosis of skin disease like ạy̰ḵny̰ etc, it is the right treatment. This is how when the real reason for hyper pgmy̰n ٹ y̰sẖn is known, its treatment is also easy.

How to save from hyper pgmy̰n ٹ y̰sẖn?

Don’t eat skin and let the skin research and treatment of the problem. Avoid things that increase your suffering more. Avoid Sunshine and more in every season 30 or more than 30 or more than 30 or more. Do. Apply Big Hat, scarf and sunglasses and walk in the shadow.

Different treatment of pgmy̰n ٹ y̰sẖn


Use Hydroquinan, kojic acid, acid, ạy̰s ڈ ạwrry̰ٹ y̰nwl on the guidance of ڈ rmạ ٹ wlwjs ٹ, because they can also create the chances of ہ ạỷprpgmy̰n ٹ, itching and inflammation.

Laser Treatment:

Some laser treatment like q. Swy̰cẖ ڈ, IPL and fry̰ḵsẖnl ly̰zrb ھ y̰ lighten spots.

Chemical multiples

Chemical Plzḵạ also helps to lighten the spots and make skin color one. There are different types of chemical multiples available in the market. Some of which are some of the skin level and some are hard that are tough. They go inside the layers and show work and end the spots of my̰lạzmạ.

There is a need to use peel repeatedly to light the pgmy̰n ٹ y̰sẖn, other than that there can be side effects of hard peel on deep color, so it is necessary that they should be used to use an expert ڈ rmạ ٹ wlwjs ٹ.

Caution after treatment

After treatment, it is necessary to save from the sun and according to the guidance of the doctor, the color clean cream should be used.

If you are not careful after the treatment, then the spotted from my̰lạzmạ and sunshine will also come again.