The appendix is a 4 inches long finger-shaped pouch present at the junction of the small and large intestine

Appendix, Appendicitis, Types, Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Tests, Treatments, Recovery Time, Complications.


The appendix is a 4 inches long finger-shaped pouch present at the junction of the small and large intestine. It is normally present in the lower right abdomen.

The exact function of the appendix is unknown. Some believe it harbors good bacteria, which helps to reboot the digestive system after diarrhea. And some believe it to be a vestigial organ (organs which do not have any apparent function). But surgical removal of the appendix does not cause any noticeable health problem.


Inflammation or infection of the appendix is called appendicitis. It is one of the most common causes of abdominal pain. The pain is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The pain becomes worse as the inflammation increases and the appendix ruptures. Anyone can get appendicitis, but it is more common in people between 10 and 30 years of age. It is usually caused either by stomach infection moving to the appendix or when stool gets trapped in the appendix.


The two types of appendicitis depending on the onset, which are:

1)Acute Appendicitis - It develops very fast within a few days to hours, and requires prompt medical treatment or surgery.

2)Chronic Appendicitis - Here, the inflammation lasts for a long time. It is a rare condition.

Depending on the complications:

1)Simple Appendicitis - Cases with no complications.

2)Complex Appendicitis - Cases that involve complications like appendix rupture or abscess.

Signs and Symptoms:

•)The pain worsens and moves to the lower right side of the abdomen.

•)Pain increases on coughing, walking, and making sudden movements.

•)Painful urination.

•)loss of appetite






•)abdominal swelling

•)inability to pass gas

•)low-grade fever


In many cases, the exact cause of appendicitis is unknown.

Many things can potentially block your appendix, including:

•)a buildup of hardened stool

•)enlarged lymphoid follicles

•)intestinal worms

•)traumatic injury


Risk Factors:

Some of the risk factors include:

•)People between ages 15 and 30 years.

•)More common in males.

•)Family history.


•)Complete Blood Count (CBC) - CBC is done to look for signs of infection. Bacterial infection of the urinary tract and abdominal organs also cause similar symptoms.

•)Urine Test - Urinalysis is done to rule out urinary tract infection and kidney stones.

•)Pregnancy Test - To rule out an ectopic pregnancy.

•)Pelvic Exam - For females, a pelvic exam is done to rule out conditions affecting the reproductive organs like pelvic inflammatory disease.

•)Imaging Tests - To rule out abdominal abscess or fecal impaction, imaging tests like an abdominal ultrasound, X-ray, CT scan, or MRI scan is done.

•)Chest Imaging - Chest imaging like a chest X-ray or CT scan is done to check for pneumonia

Treatment Options:

Usually, surgical removal of the appendix (appendectomy) is done to remove the inflamed appendix. To prevent the spread of infection, antibiotics are given before the surgery.

  1. Surgery:

Appendectomy can be performed by:

•)Laparotomy - Open surgery is done after placing an incision about 2 to 4 inches long.

•)Laparoscopic - Surgery is done after placing a few small abdominal incisions with the help of special surgical tools and camera.

2)Draining the Abscess Before Surgery:

In case the appendix has burst and an abscess has formed around it, the abscess is drained before appendectomy. The abscess is drained by placing a tube through the skin.

Recovery Time:

The recovery time depends on the type of surgery and appendicitis. It usually takes 1 to 3 weeks to recover from laparoscopic surgery and 2 to 4 weeks for open surgery. If the appendix burst, then you would have to wait for the pus and infection to be drained out first, which will take a longer time.

Some tips for recovering fast after surgery are:

•Avoid strenuous activity for the first couple of weeks.

•To reduce pain, place a pillow on your abdomen and apply pressure before you laugh, cough, and change position.

•Tell your doctor if you experience pain even after taking painkillers.

•Take rest when you feel tired.


The complications are:

•)Abscess - a collection of pus in the appendix.

•)Ruptured Appendix - it spills fecal matters and bacteria in the abdominal cavity.

•)Peritonitis - bacteria can cause inflammation of the abdominal lining, which can be fatal.

•)Spread of Infection - the infection can travel through the bloodstream and infect other organs.