The drug of choice in Paracetamol overdose is?

The drug of choice in Paracetamol overdose is?
A. N-acetylcysteine
B. Dopamine
C. Hydralazine
D. Furosemide
Answer. A
Solution. The drug of choice in Paracetamol overdose is N-acetylcysteine (also known as
Acetylcysteine). N-acetylcysteine is used as an antidote in the treatment of paracetamol
(acetaminophen) overdose because it helps to prevent or reduce liver damage caused by the
overdose. It works by replenishing the levels of glutathione, a natural antioxidant that helps to
protect the liver from damage. Dopamine, Hydralazine, and Furosemide are not used as the drug
of choice in Paracetamol overdose.