The patient was operated by corneal grafting, he could see clearly again with one eye

In a patient of unilateral loss of vision,
the patient had injury to opposite eye
leading to corneal opacification. The
patient was operated by corneal grafting,
he could see clearly again with one eye.
The injury is said to be
a) Simple
b) Grievous
c) Dangerous
d) Hazardous
Correct Answer - A
Ans. is ‘b’ i.e., Grievous
This patient had permanent vision loss as it was corrected by
surgery (corneal transplant).
Permanent loss of sight of either eye is grievous hurt.
Injuries can be classified as

  1. A simple injury is one which is neither extensive nor serious, and
    which would heal rapidly without leaving any permanent deformity or
  2. A grievous injury is one (i) Which is extensive or serious (ii) Which
    does not heal rapidly, and (iii) Which leaves a permanent deformity
    or disfiguration. Section 320 IPC defines following injuries as
  3. Emasculation (cutting of the penis, castration; or causing loss of
    power of erection due to spinal injury).
  4. Permanent privation of the sight of either eye.
    ermanent privation of the hearing of either ear.
  5. Privation of any member (part, organ, limb) or joint.
  6. Destruction or permanent impairing of powers of any member or
  7. Permanent disfiguration of head or face.
  8. Fracture or dislocation of a bone or a tooth.
  9. Any hurt which endangerous life or which causes the sufferer to be,
    during the space of twenty days in severe bodily pain, or unable to
    follow his daily routine. Section 319 IPC defines hurt as bodily pain,
    disease, or infirmity, caused to any person.
    Grievous hurt is a cognisable offence for which a police officer can
    arrest a person without a warrant from magistrate.
  10. Dangerous injury is a variety of grievous injury. It is an injury
    whichposes an immediate danger to life and is fatal in absence of
    surgical aid, e.g. gun shot wounds, compound skull fracture, trauma
    to large blood vessel or rupture of internal organ like spleen.