The Telegram group looking to file, anyone knows them personally? Are they legit? I was blocked by one of the Admins named ‘KEEDA’ along with another guy named Nishant for asking some queries. He blocked me from making any comments. He didn’t even read what was the discussion going on as he said in dm, just blocked me, maybe because I was asking the right questions.
Other people in the group are asking about their identity, and they aren’t replying. Also, I read there was a post in this same group about some people getting duped by fellow medicos om the pretext to filing a case in Bihar.
I haven’t used a fake account or blacked out my name cz I know I’m not doing anything wrong. Its my money, 2000 or 20,000… If duped, I lose money.
We all are very emotional right now, and it wouldn’t be surprising if someone tried to take advantage of it. Meeting the lawyer doesn’t mean the case is filed, anyone cam go and meet the lawyer ans discuss a case, but filing am actual case is a totally different matter. And 2000 doesn’t seem much, but it could add up to a big amount made from a couple days work and a telegram group.
Be advised! Think 10 times before sending money.
That group is for those people who think round 2 was unfair and injustice specially for the candidates who totally rely on all India counselling… We people are just arguing but the admins are doing more than dat… there is very less tym… it’s upto you whether u want to trust or not but they are transparent and clear with their points and there are many who are just deviating others from main issue
They can’t tell u whether there will be extended round or 2nd round will become null nd void… what they are trying just to prove that 2nd round has many flaws… so don’t blame those who r atleast doing something