Those who went for DNB/NBE diploma admission today

Those who went for DNB/NBE diploma admission today, share ur OPJR horror stories 😑

Anyone who completed opjr after joining???

I completed till live photo capture in institute portal. It took me 6 hours becz the site kept crashing again and again and again

After that…submit option was unable to be clicked…am i right…?

My institute didn’t even have a webcam. Finding a webcam itself took 2 hrs. Then crash everytime submit option is clicked

what is this meant for

After joining the institute is it necessary to do this

Candidate vale portal mai it’s taking lot time to get uploaded

Iam not able to submit even my basic details…All icons are stuck… Kindly Help

Is opjr giving a time period for the candidates to join in college portal after filling from the candidates portal?

I was not able to login for many hours…site crashed repeatedly