TNPG called... highlights of prospectus for Tamilnadu candidates

TNPG called… highlights of prospectus for Tamilnadu candidates…

No separate service quota

Special incentives upto 30 percent of your Neet PG score for Service guys

5 years bond if you join in TN or pay 40 lakhs forIMG_0069IMG_0070IMG_0071IMG_0072 non service…

All private college 50 percent seats to be filled by this counselling…

If you have got 500 marks… you will add up 30 percent if you have served 3 years… so your new score will be 500+150= 650/ score…

Only Diploma courses have 50 percent service quota…No quota for masters…

You must not apply for masters if you already have master degree or DNB…

I can say Non service students with score 650 and above only can expect some seat here in this… others look through All india quota…

Rajamahendran R
