Took Psychiatry thinking that they wouldn't be toxic like rest of the departments

First year psych resident here. Took Psychiatry thinking that they wouldn’t be toxic like rest of the departments, since them being mental health professionals and all… But that doesn’t seem to have any difference.
Work culture in India, especially in medical field is so toxic.

Psychiatry is the worst branch ever , only history and history

People think if they become doctors they would achieve everything in this world. All the geeks in higher secondary school with no social life skills and no idea of dealing with people eventually become doctors and they think they are superior than anyone else.

So don’t blame any department for the toxic behaviour. It is our shallow minds. We need to change our thinking only then toxicity will go away.

Our society itself is hypocritical in nature. Doctors are supposed to be empathetic by nature, be it any branch they practice in…but are they?? We all know majority of them are toxic and egoistic towards their juniors/batchmates etc. It seems some are “nice” (to be read as “fake”) in order to have good patient inflow and nothing else. All one can do is brace up and not get triggered by people in general. Toxicity in general is more about conditioning of a person and not the profession they are in.