Treatment and necessary steps for face stains and acne

The method of treatment of acne depends on their type. I.e. light, medium or severe, what kind of acne are there on the skin? They are treated according to the type of acne. It’s also possible that your therapist sometimes starts collecting different types of treatments to get better results and reduce resistance to immune bacteria against medicines. Do it.

Treatment may include cream, gel gel or lotion that is applied on acne or sometimes on full skin, usually in the form of chest and waist acne. Also suggested medicines for food. They are done.

Light kind of acne:

The following procedures are used to treat such acne [including white head, black head and pimple]

۔ Wash your face thoroughly with semi-hot water and a light soap, whose effect is not too fast.

۔ Apply oxide [generic name] on benzuel on the face.

۔ Apply siliculic acid [generic name] on the face.

Generic name medicines are available in the market from different brand names of different companies and can be easily obtained from any good medical store. If these medicines don’t work, contact your therapist. For your months After the inspection, your therapist will suggest you a consistent lotion or cream. Patients can also use any antibiotic lotion that is compatible with their symptoms or any such lotion that can help you with facial problems. Be helpful in the treatment of acne by opening it.

Medium and extreme acquaintances:

Sometimes the type of acne is such that fast medicines and different types of therapy are used to treat them. Deep boils, such as nail and rooted grains often leave mark. For this therapist patients often have anti-anti-therapy. Recommend biotic medicines so that the wound healing process can be started as soon as possible. These types of mahs are treated by matching different types of therapies. The following procedures can be adopted in this type of treatment.

ہے Oxide is applied on every benzuel instead of acne

Deep boils and Cyst material extracted

ہy̰ں Therapist’s recommended antibiotic gel, cream and lotion used

ہے The therapist’s recommended food medicines are used

Remember that all these treatments are under the supervision of the therapist and the process of extracting content from the boils is performed by the therapist themselves.

Marks, stains and their treatment on the skin

Caution is very important about stains and marks on the face and skin due to acne or other reasons. These reasons include nail acne as well as sun-to-skin effects and non-quality makeup, color whitening. Creams and chemical ingredients include extremely dangerous lotions that guarantee to whiten the color within hours. So it is very important to have complete satisfaction and information about them before buying any such products. Also on the face Falling shades are also usually a concern for women. Physicians link these stains and shades indirectly with food and deficiency in the body including vitamins and nimmins, is also a reason for this. Let’s tell.

First check your therapist for the stains on the face. Consult a good skin specialist and finalize that the dark stains on the face are the signs of a dangerous disease. So no. Regularly use the therapist’s recommended cream, lotion or appointment and eat them regularly as suggested for eating medicines. Must take necessary steps to protect from sunlight when going out in the sun. All Ensure regular checkup and consult with your therapist along with steps