Trotters triad is due to the invasion of the lateral wall of nasopharynx

Trotters triad is due to the invasion of the lateral wall of nasopharynx by the nasopharyngeal ca ryt.

In that triad … trigeminal neuralgia is due to mandibular nerve.

But the mc nerve involved due to the lateral invasion in this Ca is maxillary nerve.

Are these correct as i was confused from the lecture .

Trotter’s triad is due to the invasion of the area of sinus of morgagni by the tumour . In the Sinus of Morgagni are the Tensor palati along with its nerve supply the mandibular nerve along with Levator palati and auditory tube leading to the features of the triad namely - neuralgia in mandibular nerve distribution, palatial palsy and ET obstruction leading to SOM