Two Weeks Updated PESCI Course for 2020 Candidates

two Weeks Updated PESCI Course for 2020 Candidates

Course date and time

Monday 20th Jan to Friday 31st Jan 7.30 to 10.30 pm Sydney time (excluding weekend)

Dear all PESCI Candidates,

It is a pleasure to announce for UPDATED PESCI COURSE that I had been working on for the last month. That is why I have not run a course lately

The updated course characterized by a very intense view of what PESCI panel and AHPRA want and how they evaluate you. The updated course based on the following:

  1. Analyse of more than 500 PESCI reports received by candidates from PESCI provider for candidates who passed and those who failed PESCI

  2. Analyse of reports from PESCI provider to the medical board about candidates who passed and those who failed PESCI

  3. Analyse of communications between board and PESCI provider questing why pass candidates who should fail

  4. Analyse of communications between board and candidates who received proposed rejection for their registration and how they defended themselves and got registration

  5. Analyse of PESCI interview and communications with panel during their PESCI

  6. Analyse of new recalls based on AUSTRALIAN GP practice and new legislations

For booking: Please contact me on Facebook messenger NOT the page

Group url:

Good luck,

Dr. Mathew.,