Very disappointed with the rank 32k

I gave marrow gt (image based) 200 ques. Very disappointed with the rank 32k.
(70k students gave the test) how to study now. V.much disheartened

test taken by 60k i guess…my rank is 25k

I guess you’ve appeared after the test got expired.

yes… what is the difference? Any diff in rank if i give after expiry?

Yes. Do one thing! Focus more on the percentile. And fo the rank list and check the approximate rank against your score. But the percentile always exposes us to the bitter truth!

Bro… Just study… Do your best (obviously first keeping your physical and mental health intact) …and leave everything to fate…

The system has become such that worrying or not worrying won’t make any difference… Whatever has to happen it will happen in those exam hours…

So just do your work and leave result to the fate!

You ,your health and your self respect is more precious than this rotten corrupt system hijacked by ppl of upper crust…

So just chill… Respect your efforts… Its the only thing u have in your hand… And u r a human being not a machine or robot!!

dude you’re supposed to be a genius. Could you make some Felix felicis for me. Would help me tremendously in the exams.

If you are not a marrow student, nothing to worry. Just take a breath and continue with your preperation. That was a QBank based test