What are the best resources for the step 1 USMLE for each subject?

I have researched and read a lot of experiences. I can tell you about what I found out to be most useful ( I haven’t taken the exam yet, though). Take my advice with a pinch of salt. Here’s the list:

Pathology- Pathoma (gold standard, read and try to remember every word of that book), Uworld. Keep a copy of Goljan but use it only when you feel some topics aren’t adequately discussed in pathoma. If you start reading Goljan, you will not be able to complete it and even if you do, you will not be able to retain so much.
Pharmacology- Kaplan videos and book. Uworld.
Microbiology- Sketchy will make your life easy, Uworld
Physiology- Boards and beyond, Uworld, BRS physiology by Linda S costanzo
Anatomy- Boards and beyond, Kaplan anatomy for embryology, Uworld
Biochemistry- Pixorize, kaplan videos by Turco. This man will definitely save your life. Also, FirstAid charts are pure gold
Biostatistics- Boards and beyond and Uworld
behavioural sciences- boards and beyonds and Conrad 100 cases.
Neuroanatomy- Kaplan is more than sufficient,Uworld
Immunology- Pixorize , Levinson’s immunology part only,Uworld.
Make your own Uworld notes.Write down every question in a copy,in short,and write down the answer along with it. Add extra points from the other incorrect answers, if needed. It will take a long time and might get pretty frustrating, but I assure you that once you are done with the entire Uworld,you will be grateful to yourself.

Another very important resource is USMLE Rx. Use the qbank once you are done with Uworld to consolidate your First Aid knowledge. It should not take you a long time. You will be surprised to see that when a question is presented to you as a case based format,you will remember the disease a lot better.
Recently the Videos of Drawittoknow it were really great , I mean i watched some of the videos and the way they cover every topic is really awsome.

Once you are done with these, you might use Amboss Qbank/ First Aid Cases and continue to take the NBMEs to assess yourself every week.