What do you think this congenital anomaly is?

You are viewing at the anterior neck of a 26-year old male medical student.
He has reddish spot (in circle) that is in the center of a slightly raised area just anterior to his sternocleidomastoid muscle about one and a half inches superior to his jugular notch. He has had this reddish raised area for as long as he can remember. If you push on it, it feels attached to something that extends superiorly from this location. At times it leaks a little clear fluid after he has been heavily exercising for long periods of time. What do you think this congenital anomaly is?


  1. Glossopharyngeal fistula
  2. An internal branchial sinus
  3. A hyperactive sebaceous gland
  4. A branchial fistula
  5. Spina bifida occulta