What is the annual incidence per million of bladder cancer in this population?

A town has a population of 500,000. In a five year period there are 1250 cases of bladder cancer diagnosed at the only hospital. During the same period the occupational health department diagnosed a further 500 cases. What is the annual incidence per million of bladder cancer in this population? a. 2100 b. 1750 c. 1400 d. 700 e. 350

To start with , I would like to thank Dr.Noor Ahmed for her tips and support throughout my preparation for this exam , I relied mainly on the materials she provide.
When I started studying for IELTS , my English level was intermediate. Despite the fact I studied my degree in English, I could hardly compose a complex and coherent sentence .Anyway , my approach included :
Firstly : I would mention that I’ve dedicated myself entirely for The IELTS for the last few months .
For LISTENING: I started with TEDex video , and I had used English subtitles initially, it helped me a lot . I used to listen to the BBC everyday , it has also boosted my lexical resources and improved my pronunciation. I practiced listening tests before taking my exams ,so kindly postpone practicing until the last few weeks before your test .
READING: at the beginning, I downloaded BBC app , and subscribed other English newspapers on Facebook , I used to read articles as many as I can on a daily basis . 2 months before my test , I started practicing Cambridge books , 3 passages each day , I learned skimming and scanning, but what helped me aloe is Liz website, she has few tips regarding how to approach every question type and practice exercises , so kindly log into her website if you have any problem with this section .
WRITING: this was the bottle neck , it is the hardest section for me , and I needed very hard work and dedication to achieve this score .The first thing that I did was studying the Cambridge Grammar book for IELTS ,then I memorized Rayan’s essays, this gave me the flexibility in both vocabularies and ideas . I followed my friend Noor Ahmed’s tips in writing , she has a great group “IELTS Writing “ . Initially, it took me ages to finish an essay, and with time I could manage writing on time. Then, I asked an English tutor to check my essays, she is very helpful ,and her notes and corrections made my writing more logical and helped me hugely to avoid my mistakes . I would like to emphasize the importance of PLANNING , please watch videos about that ,and take your time in planning, I used to allocate at least 7 minutes for that .

SPEAKING : in my first attempt I got 6 , I was frustrated, so I started practicing with my friends as much as we could, sometimes we just speak while doing our house chores to enhance our fluency . I read model answers to give me ideas , l learned to follow a structure in answering cue cards and I tried to add as much complex grammar as I can. Again , memorizing Rayan’s essays gave me the flexibility especially in part3 . Kindly subscribe IELTS blog , they will send you a daily email for a real speaking test . Try to practice these questions with your friends or another IELTS candidate.
Finally , l would say Keep practicing ,it is a long and difficult journey, but you con do it .

Most specific test for SLE is :

A) ss DNA
B) ds-DNA
C) Anti- Smith Ab
D) anti SSA(Ro)
E) histone Ab

A 22-year-old female presents with a 2-day history of dysuria with increased urinary frequency and urgency. A urine culture and urinalysis are done. She is diagnosed with UTI caused by E. coli.
All of the following would be considered appropriate therapy for this patient except:
A. Levofloxacin.
B. Cotrimoxazole.
C. Moxifloxacin.
D. Nitrofurantoin.

A 46 year old man who is a heavy drinker is brought to the A&E in a drowsy state. He is responding vaguely to questions asked. On examination he has nystagmus and hyper-reflexia. His MCV is 103fL.What is the most likely cause for his cognitive impairment?

A. B1 Deficiency
B. B12 Deficiency
C. Folate Deficiency
D. B6 deficiency
E. Alcohol withdrawal