When will NEET PG 2019 exam commence?

Q: When will NEET PG 2019 exam commence?

Answer: The exam has been scheduled to be held in the first week of January 2019.

Q: Who will conduct the exam?

A: National Board of Examinations (NBE) is conducting the exam.

Q: Can I appear for the exam?

A: You are eligible if you hold an MBBS degree. Check the above eligibility section for more information.

Q: May I ask you the online registration date?

A: For 2019, the online registration begins in the 4th week of October and will end in the last week of November 2018.

Q: I’m not a tech-savvy person. Is it possible for me to take up pen and paper exam?

A: NEET PG exam is done in computer mode. That means you must know how to operate the desktop system.

Q: Does that mean I can give the test from my home?

A: That is even not possible. Candidates must come to the examination hall along with valid admit card.

Q: Will there be Multiple Choice Questions?

A: Yes, there will be total 300 MCQ questions.