Which aminoacid is the recurring aminoacid most likely to be altered in mutation that distort collagen molecule?

A child with tall stature, loose joints and detached retina is found to have mutation in type II collagen. Collagen consists of a repeating tripeptides motif where the first amino acid of each tripeptide is same.

:small_red_triangle:Which aminoacid is the recurring aminoacid most likely to be altered in mutation that distort collagen molecule?
:small_red_triangle:What is the defect ?


:small_blue_diamond: The primary structure of collagen peptides consists of repeating tripeptide with Gly-X-Y motif
:small_blue_diamond:The most severe clinical phenotype caused by aminoacid substitution in collagen peptides is those affecting glycine that prevents alpha helix formation.
:small_blue_diamond:The child in the present case has a disorder called Stickler skeletal dysplasia syndrome.

Autosomal dominant

Clinical features
:small_orange_diamond:The premature degenerative change in weight bearing joints is one of the most consistent features of Sticklers.

:small_orange_diamond:Auditory- Sensory neural hearing loss and conductive hearing loss are frequently present in patients with a cleft palate due to fluid in the ear.

:small_orange_diamond:Cardiovascular- Mitral valve prolapse is a common finding

:small_orange_diamond:Ocular- Retinal degeneration,Cataracts,Myopia, Vitreous degeneration

:small_orange_diamond:Musculoskeletal- Bony enlargement of joints, Hypermobility of joints, Kyphosis, scoliosis

:small_orange_diamond:Orofacial- flat mid face, flat nasal bridge , high arched palate


2 methods
:small_blue_diamond:First method is using the diagnostic criteria which is a 12 point system which measure abnormalities in the following systems- eyes,ears, bones,face,family history. A score of 5 or more indicates stickler syndrome.

:small_blue_diamond:2nd method - by using genetic testing

:small_blue_diamond:Mainly symptomatic
:small_blue_diamond:Special attention is required for eye complications during childhood.
:small_blue_diamond:Careful evaluation of breathing and feeding is important
:small_blue_diamond:Some infants may have a surgical tracheotomy