Which drug decreases the seizures threshold

Which drug decreases the seizures threshold
C. Rifampin
D. Ethambutol

Pt with DM developed diabetic nephropathy suddenly start to vomit abdominal pain&electrolyte loss what will you give?
A.Ringer lactate
B. Normal saline
C. Dextrose
D. Normal saline+k replacement

A 19 year old woman presents to ED with a severe headache, vomiting and right hemiplegia. She has recently begun POP and no other medical history of note. O/E bp 155/80 mm of Hg, pulse 80b/min and regular. She is in obvious pain n mild weakness in right upper n lower limbs. Her reflexes normal. MRI brain normal.
Which of the following most appropriate treatment for her?

  1. Acetazolamide
  2. Diclofenac
  3. Ergotamine
  4. Sumatriptan
  5. Zolmitriptan

A 62-year-old female with a known history of a sigmoid adenocarcinoma is admitted to hospital with shortness
of breath and pyrexia. On examination a murmur is heard and an echo reveals vegetations on the aortic valve.
Which one of the following organisms is most characteristically associated with causing infective endocarditis
in patients with colorectal cancer?
A. Escherichia colli
B. Enterococcus faecalis
C. Salmonella
D. Campylobacter
E. Streptococcus

This maneuver is achieved by having the patient elevate both arms until they touch the sides of the face. A positive Pemberton’s sign is marked by the presence of facial congestion and cyanosis, as well as respiratory distress after approximately one minute.
:pill: Causes​ are :arrow_right:
:mag_right:Bronchogenic Carcinoma.
:mag_right:Retrosternal Goiter.
:mag_right:Mediastinal mass.

Which parameter decreases in shock?
A. Ldh
B. Albumin
C. Alkaline phosphatase
D. Bilirubin

Pleural Effusion

:heart::black_small_square:Transudate pleural effusion =3H

:heart::black_small_square:Exudate pleural effusion =3P+2C+2 syndrome
3P= (Pneumonia+PE+Pancreatitis)
2C=(Ca lung+CT disease)
2Syndrome=(Dressler’s synd+Yellow nail synd)

2 days old baby developed rashes over extremities. Mother had untreated infection during pregnancy . Which organism is transmitted cervicovaginally

A. Toxoplasmosis
B. T.pallidium
C. Malaria