Which hormone delays gastric emptying…CCK

1.Which hormone delays gastric emptying…CCK
2.Nerve damage at Surgical Neck of Humerus……Axillay Nerve
3.A Patient is having a swelling in neck.Sweeling (mass) is positively stained with Congo Red Stain.Tyroid carcinoma is diagnosed…Tumor Marker will be…Calcitonin
4.The swelling of 3rd part of Subclavian Artery will Appar in……Posterior Triangle
5.Half Life Depends Upon…Rate of Clearance
6.At what rectal temperature,permanent cell injury occurs,if that temperatur remain constant…106 F
7.Patient is having MI….Posterior 1/3rd of interventricular septum is involved.Which artery Affected…Right Coronary Artery
8.A male having MCV 70,MCH 21,Sergnom iron decreased,serum ferritin decreased and TIBC increased.Diagnosis…IRON dEFICIENCY ANEMIA
9. Aldosterine Causes Absorption of.….Sodium
10.Glucose Absorbed Maximum in……Proximal Convoluted tubule
11. The fourth Heart Sound is Produced by……Vibration in Ventricular wall during Systole ((Ganong Key Ventricular Filling…Controversial))
12.Nor epinephrine released from Nicotininic receptors of adrenal medulla will mediated vasodilation via…Beta 2 Receptors
13.A 50 years old Diabetic ,Smoker and also having HYPOTHYROIDISM…his B.P is 180/110mmhg…Drug of Choice…Captopril
14. A smoker patient present with constricted pupil and having partial dooping of eyelid…Diagnosis……Horner Syndrome
15.A Boy with progressive muscular weakness.Antibodies against Calcium channel are present.Diagnosis…Lambert Eaten Syndrome
16.A Smoker pt having round face,abdominal striae,hypertension and obesty.Which hormone will be raised in blood….ACTH (( AS it is scenario of small cell lung carcinoma leadig to paraneoplastic Chusing Disease))
17. A 16 year old boy after treated with Co-trimoxazole for some infection now complain of dark black urine Diagnosis?….G6PD Deficiency
18.Karyotype of Klinefelter Syndrome….47XXY
19.Basic Drugs bind with….Alpha 1 glycoprotein
20.Middle Colic Artery is a branch of ……Superior Mesenteric Artery
21.Abdominal Angina is Caused Due to involvement of ……Superior Mesenteric Artery
22.Regarding Trachea….Starts from Upper Border of C6
23.Which Structure Develops from 3rd Pharyngeal Arch……Stylopharyngeus
24.Otic Ganglion Lies near the anterior border of ……Foramen Ovale
25. Regarding Spleen……Lax Ligaments may causeWandering Spleen
26.Regarding Thymus……Extends from Lower pole of thyroid upto 4th costal cartilage
27.Renal Clearance Calculation….Given Value were U=100,V=2ml/min and P=2 ….So Applying UV/P=20ml/min
28.Regarding Inferior Vena Cava.…Commence at L5
29.A Pt having complete injured sciatic nerve.Some sensory supply to dorsum of foot will be manged by…Saphenous Nerve
30. Flexor of the elbow supplied by Radial Nerve……Brachioradialis
31.A Scenario was given….Tubuloglomerular Balance…….Dec Peritubular Sodium Concenteration
32. Glucose in Nephron is absorbed by….Co- transport
33- Prostrate Blood Supply….Inferior Vesical Artery
34- Dorsum of nose is supplied by….Anterior Ethmoidal branch of Opthalmic Artery
35-Pulsation felt at the anterior border of Masseter,near jaw…. Fascial Artery
36-Anatomical structure which characterize conduction of heart….Gap Junction
37-Pt is Unable to open his mouth…Paralysed Muscle…….Lateral Pterygoid
38-A female pt wearing a revealing dress starts conversation in a seductive tone.What will you do……Call in Nurse
39- Bladder Carcinoma.Organism Involved……Schistoma Hematobium
40- Skin Cancer associated with HIV/AIDS ……Kaposi Sarcoma
41-Renal Artery Division….Segmental-Lobar-Interlobar-Arcute
42-11years old girl has an elbow X-Ray.Ossification Center will be Assessed at…Lateral Epicondyle
43-From which Area of Brain Cholinergic fibers of Cerebral Cortex will mostly arise……Nucleus Basalis of Meynert
44. Platelet rich plasma stored at….22 C
45- Gubernaculum remnant in Females…….Ovarian Ligament ((Round Ligament of Ovary))
46- Meckel’s Diverticulum……Occasionally Contain Gastric Mucosa
47- Aplasia……Decrease Cell Production ((Congenital Absence or Defective Organ Eg Aplastic Anemia))
48- Adenoma difination/Characteristic……Option with Word*** Glands in it** Correct
49-Most Common Premalignant Skin Lesion/Condition.…Junctional Nevus
50- Part of Bile Duct…Supradeudenal (Omental/Upper), Retrodueudenal (middle),Paraduedenal (Infraduedenal/lower) RJ Last (((some say 4PARTS Supra,retro,intra and infra-Duedenal))
51. A pt is unable to move his right eye laterally……Cavernous Sinus Infection
52. Hypophysis cerebri is posterosuperiorly related to….Sphenoidal Sinus
53.About Thyroid… Venous Drainge into Internal Jugular and brachiocephalic Veins
54.Mesothelioma is associated with….Asbestos.
55-Autosomal Dominant Disorder…Hereditary Spherocytosis
57-Diagnostic investigation for Multiple Myeloma….Immunoelectrophoresis
58-Nucleoli contents were Asked….RNA
60-A 45 YEAR old women cpmplained of post coital and intermenstral bleeding…Most intaial lab investigation…Cervical Smear
61-Fundus and Corpus of Stomach removed……Loss of Recptive Relaxation
62- Trachea Length in Neonates…4cm ((( Trachea Lenghth in adult is 10-12cm)
63- Which Factor Decrease the vital Capacity……Dec in Total Lung Capacity
64-Abcess After thorn prick……Staph Aureaus
65-Neisseria Gonnorrhea easily identified by….Gram stain
66-An admitted pt having difficulty in respiration.His tidal volume first increases then gradually decreases.Respiration pattren is…Chyne stoke Breathing
67-Most common circulating phagocytic cells in blood.…Neutrophils
68- Urethral ruptured distal to urogenital diaphgram.Urine will extravasate into……Superficial Perineal Space
69-Disease Caused by DNA virus….Infectious Mononucleosis
70-Incision given for submandubular gland surgery.Which Nerve can be damaged……Marginal Mandubular Branch of Fascial Nerve
71-A pt is suffering from acute inflammation.After 48 hrs predominanting cells in blood will be……Macrophages
72- Fascial Nerve Supplies……Posterior Belly of Diagastric
73-Popliteus……Present b/w Lateral Collateral Ligament and Lateral Miniscus
74-Vibrio Cholera Causes Diarrhea Mechanism…….Increased Chloride Channels.
75-Major Neurotransmitter of Basal Ganglia….Dopamine
76-Helminthic Infection Caused by Mosquito Bite….Filariasis
77-Lumber vertebrae segment has lost its curvature due to…. Lordosis
78-A pt has anterior duodenal Perforation.Fluid will go into……Right Post Subphernic Space ((Snell Review BCQ))
79-Tail of pancreas lies in……Splenorenal Ligament
80-Aphasia due to defect in….Cerebral Cortex ((( Specific Area Brocas not in option)
81-Pt is on oral anticoagulation…Investigation of choice for Monitoring….Prothrombin Time
82- An old male pt having Reed Sternberg Cella in his blood……Hodgkin Lymphoma
83-Phernic Nerve.…Lies Anterior to Subclaneous Anterior
84-Fastest Conduction in Heart……Purkinji Fibers
85-Virulence of Stap Aureus is determine by detecting…Coagulase