Which of the following agents might be responsible for his bowel symptoms?

. A 54-year-old man has a four-month history of nocturnal dry cough and burning sensation in his chest, particularly if he lies down after meals. He has been trying out different medications that he’s found around the drug store to treat his condition. He has also been experiencing occasional diarrhea. Which of the following agents might be responsible for his bowel symptoms?

  • A) Magnesium hydroxide
  • B) Aluminum hydroxide
  • C) Calcium carbonate
  • D) Omeprazole
  • E) Cimetidine

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The answer is A.
Magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, and calcium carbonate are all over-the-counter (no
prescription needed) antacids.1
Magnesium is classically associated with diarrhea.2, 3
Aluminum is associated with constipation.3
Calcium carbonate has no definite gastrointestinal motor effect.3 However it is associated with
rebound acid hypersecretion.4
Omeprazole, a proton-pump inhibitor, may increase the risk of diarrhea, however it is not available
over-the-counter.5 Regardless, magnesium is a well-established cause of diarrhea.
Cimetidine, an H2-blocker, is not a notable cause of diarrhea.