Which of the following statements about 'Low' radial nerve palsy

Which of the following statements about ‘Low’ radial nerve palsy is not true

    1. Loss of nerve supply to brachioradialis
    1. Loss of nerve supply to extensor carpi radialis brevis
    1. Loss of nerve supply to extensor pollicis brevis
    1. Loss of sensation over first dorsal web space

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  •    Low radial nerve palsy- Injury below the spiral groove.

o Type I- Injury between spiral groove and elbow.

§ Elbow extensors are spared- Triceps and Anconeus.

§ Wrist, thumb and finger extensors paralysed- wrist drop, thumb drop, finger drop.

§ Loss of sensation on dorsal side of first web space.

o Type II- Injury below the elbow joint.

§ Elbow and wrist extensors spared- Triceps, Anconeus, extensor carpi radialis longus, brachioradialis

§ Thumb and finger extensors paralysed.(extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensor indicis, extensor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor carpi radialis brevis)- Thumb drop and finger drop.

                      §  Loss of sensation on dorsal side of first web space.