White matter tracts of the cerebrum

White matter tracts of the cerebrum ::

• Commissural fibres :- connects corresponding regions of two cerebral hemispheres.
E.g. :- Corpus callosum
Anterior and posterior Commissural fibres
Hebeneular fibres
Hippocampal commissure of fornix .

• Association fibers :- connect areas within same hemispheres.
They are of two types :-

  1. Long association fibres:-
    e.g. - Superior longitudinal fasciculus
    Inferior longitudinal fasciculus
    Uncinate fasciculus
    Fronto-occipital fasciculus
    FORNIX (except hippocampal commissure of fornix)

  2. Short association fibres:-
    eg. Arcuate fasciculus.

• Projection fibres :- fibres passing to and from the brain stem to the cerebral cortex .
E.g. : Internal Capsule
Corona Radiata .