WHO / US CDC / Global Fund / ANRS press briefing

Media advisory - The 9th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science IAS2017

WHO, in collaboration with partners, releases new data on increasing HIV drug resistance trends in several countries that could undermine progress in preventing and treating HIV. WHO launches new guidelines to respond to the challenge and calls for a joint action by global and national partners to prevent and tackle HIV drug resistance.

WHO is releasing seven key guidelines and normative tools, as follows:

A new information note on point-of-care early infant diagnosis assays to support the timely detection of children with HIV.
The results of “STAR-self-testing in Africa” an implementation research effort, together with a new landscape report on rapid diagnostic tests for HIV self-testing.
A prioritized research agenda for children and adolescents to address low treatment scale-up and quality care for this group.
New guidelines on advanced HIV disease and rapid initiation of ART recommending screening, treatment and prophylaxis for major opportunistic infections (such as tuberculosis and cryptococcal disease), and rapid initiation of ART and adherence support for people with advanced HIV.
A new report outlining how countries can provide differentiated care tailored services for different needs of patient groups.
A new technical update advising countries on what to consider when transitioning to a new treatment regimen, including dolutegravir.
An announcement on the findings from INSPIRE, a WHO / Government of Canada collaboration on implementation research which investigates how to ensure mothers return for continuation of care.


Monday, 24 July, 12:00-12:45pm

IAS2017 Conference, Press Conference Room (352A)

Dr Gottfried Hirnschall, Director, Department of HIV, Global Hepatitis Programme, WHO
Dr Meg Doherty, Coordinator for HIV treatment and care, WHO
Dr Shannon Hader, Director of the Division of Global HIV and TB, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA
Dr Marijke Wijnroks, Interim Executive Director, the Global Fund
Pr Vincent Calvez, Chef du service de Virologie, Hôpital Pitié-Salpetrière, Paris

Media contacts

Tunga Namjilsuren
World Health Organization
Tel:+41 79 203 3176
[email protected]

Amy Rowland
Tel: +1 770 488 5104

Yebe Diallo
The Global Fund
[email protected]